The Burning Edge Of Dawn

When you’re trapped in endless night You’re always waiting on the burning edge of dawn You’re always waiting for the sun To show up like a bullet from a gun You’re always waiting on peace But never finding it For rain to fall down on the war-torn fields Through which you wander Trying your best […]

Be Kind to Yourself

You’re full of emotion That’s heaving like a raging ocean I can hear it in your spirit That if you had a choice you’d rather Be anyone else But I love the way I made your precious heart Be kind to yourself I know its hard to hear it When that anger in your spirit […]

Listen up

Listen up and keep your chin up I know it feels like no one cares Like you’re not worth it I know the voices in your head Are rude and mean I know they’ve got you beat down They’re good at it But you’re worth more than you think You are one in 8 billion […]


The moment when you sit to write With inspiration in your mind When the words flow clean and smooth From some deep wellspring They fill the page With Glory and meaning Where it comes from its not always sure But that glorious moment when inspiration strikes And your words fill a page Other times its […]

An Oasis

Sometimes life brings you To an Oasis A calm beautiful place Where you can rest and recuperate Sometimes when you need it most You’ll find it Sometimes it’s a person Sometimes it’s a song Or a book You never know what form The oasis will take But it’s a chance to rest A chance to […]

A Journey Ended

Almost 11 years ago I set out on a journey One I never thought I would I started a career in Law Enforcement For almost 11 years I toiled and I struggled I gave my life to an organization with lofty goals That sometimes failed to live up to them I was there through thick […]

Darkness And Hate

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Darkness and hate pervade this world So many try to use hate and darkness To drive out hate and darkness But it never works Hate against hat only breeds more […]

Life A River Rushing

Life is always dragging you on Like a river rushing Swollen with snow melt Or after a heavy rain Life never lets you linger In the moments you wish could continue on forever Life is short And it rushes ever on But take faith Because even when life is bad And you feel hopeless The […]

Fight the good fight

1st Timothy 6:12 How do you fight the good fight of faith How do you take hold of your eternal life To which you were called How do you fight the good fight When you’re struggling just to get through the day How do you redeem yourself When you feel like there is no hope […]