New year new me?

New Year’s resolutions

Rarely last

More than a month

Will this new year bring about a new me

Or more of the same 

What will I become this year

Will I become more self confident 

Will I lose weight

Will I become more of an asshole

More of a recluse

I know not which path I shall take

I k ow what I wish

But a new year 

Brings new opportunities and old

Am I brave a enough to step out in faith

Or do I cower behind all I’ve always known

What are my resolutions for every year

To become healthier

To learn new things

To Take those steps of faith

That can reward so much

To step out into a new world

New Year’s resolutions rarely last 

So I make the same ones every year

To be more confident

To grow in my faith

In myself

And in my God

Will I achieve all I hope and dream

I hope so

But only if I make the effort

Which we so oft forget to do

So I hope and I pray

That I may achieve all I set out to do

This is my new year

This my hope for a new me

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