Brighter Days

There will be brighter days

There will be darker days

But right now I’m stuck under a gray colored sky

Its neither melancholy or bright

Its kind of just right

For the way I’m feeling

But I wonder when the sky will lighten

When will my days and my moods be brighter

I feel like I’m trudging down the same path

No matter what I do

But there are different paths that I’ve taken along the way

But when will I see brighter days

Though I’ve done many things different it all just stays the same

I want to see new sights

I want to share life with people

But I feel trapped by my own mind

When will it let me see brighter days

I’ve seen days where the sun was blotted out for months on end

Still I’m just wishing for brighter days

Violet and purple skies

I know there will be brighter days

I know that love has already found me in my pain

I’m just tired of waiting

I know love will find me again

I’m just waiting for

Brighter days

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