The Burning Edge Of Dawn

When you’re trapped in endless night You’re always waiting on the burning edge of dawn You’re always waiting for the sun To show up like a bullet from a gun You’re always waiting on peace But never finding it For rain to fall down on the war-torn fields Through which you wander Trying your best […]

Be Kind to Yourself

You’re full of emotion That’s heaving like a raging ocean I can hear it in your spirit That if you had a choice you’d rather Be anyone else But I love the way I made your precious heart Be kind to yourself I know its hard to hear it When that anger in your spirit […]

A Journey Ended

Almost 11 years ago I set out on a journey One I never thought I would I started a career in Law Enforcement For almost 11 years I toiled and I struggled I gave my life to an organization with lofty goals That sometimes failed to live up to them I was there through thick […]

Thin Silver Line A Look Back

This job chews you up We see the worst of humanity Everyday we’re hated Just cause of the uniform we wear Every day called names And cussed at Suicide attempts Overdoses Fights Always on the lookout Always suspicious Paranoid Anxiety Depression Just a few gifts from 10 years Still I don’t know if I would […]

Battling Demons

What does it look like to battle your demons For ssome it looks just like a regular person They get up every day  Put a smile on and fight through their day For others its impossible to get up Everybody fights their own demons Whether they be  Depression Anxiety Alcoholism Addiction Bipolar PTSD Or something […]

Brighter Days

There will be brighter days There will be darker days But right now I’m stuck under a gray colored sky Its neither melancholy or bright Its kind of just right For the way I’m feeling But I wonder when the sky will lighten When will my days and my moods be brighter I feel like […]


Soothes the soul  And heals the heart So often we walk around with herculean weights Weighing us down and crushing us inside Just talking about it may not solve it But it lessens the weight that crushes It shares the burden and     Allows us to free ourselves of it for a time It helps […]


Where does your strength come from Not physical but strength of spirit Where do you go to recharge What do you do to fill up your tank When you don’t have the strength where do you find it I find my strength on beaches In wide green spaces Underneath the shadow of a tree Tall […]

Me Myself and I

It’s just me, Myself, and I Solo ride until I die No partner to ride or die Just Me Myself and I 32 years in this life Through all its ups and downs All that time only 2 Glorious years with  A partner in crime Through it all I’ve risen and  Beaten the odds time […]