
Christians face 3 problems today They’re either hot for the wrong things Cold about damn near everything Or they’re lukewarm Those that are too hot Are on fire about the wrong things They talk more about hate than they do love That’s not what Jesus stood for Hate isn’t what he died for Love is […]

Ships in the Night

We’re all passing each other by  Everyday like Ships in the night Heard and Seen but not truly We see the faintest outlines The broadest brushstrokes From these we create a ship in our minds Oftentimes vastly different that what they truly are We all so often ask how people fall for the wrong ones […]

Copacetic or The Battle Within

Copacetic is an interesting word It has a lot of the letter from Apathetic And sounds quite similar at least to my ears Websters gives the definition of Copacetic as “in excellent order” Other definitions are given as “Completely satisfactory or OK” Apathetic could not be more different though “Having or showing little or no […]