
Welcome to the Mad Poet’s Street Corner


To the mad poets street corner. A site that is as much about poetry as it is life. This site documents my writings My struggles my hope and dreams. Throughout my strange and wonderful life my writing has been some of the best therapy I’ve ever had. I write just to write sometimes. Others I write a stream of consciousness that helps me work out my problems. May my words inspire you make you laugh and make you cry.

My fondest wish is that for some of you that they may help heal your heart the way they healed mine. In reading my words I pray that if you see yourself reflected there in that you may find hope. Hope in the knowledge that you’re not alone. And hope in the knowledge that all things eventually pass. That there is always a brighter day ahead.

Sometimes it seems that it may never come. But rest assured one day it will. I won’t lie to you and tell you that the road is easy. But I’m the end you’ll be glad you stayed. Come join me in my never ending pursuit of This Awful Beautiful Life.

Good Plans

Good Plans Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise him all creatures here below The Lord is our shepherd He leaves the 99 behind to find the 1 Lost sheep He fights off the lions And the wolves He has good plans For me And for you So, take heart in deserts and gardens…

The Unattainable

What’s untouchable Unattainable for you What is your great white whale Your Moby Dick What’s forever outside of your reach Just beyond your grasp So close you can taste it But somehow just out of your reach Is it fame Is it love Mine is personal connections Relationships They always seem to be just out…

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